
I am going to do my best to convey exactly where I stand on all of the issues so, that you as voters can make the best decision. Listed below are some issues that will be my main legislative agenda:

Environmental Issues

Cleaning up the meltdown site in our distrcit, reigning in any out of control food industry, climate change legislation, federal legislation protecting and mandating clean water.


President Trump's tenure needs to come to an end.

National Debt

Our national debt is destroying our economy. Its unsustainable. We have to cut certain foolish programs plus, military expenditures.

War and Peace

We are not the policeman of the entire worl. The US needs to drastically scale back its committments and look at who are true friends and foes are.

Whole Life

Abortion, death penatly, assisted suicide and especially euthanaisa are all collectively a new stain on our American History.